FAQs — Parish FCU Skip to Main Content

Routing Number

Parish FCU’s routing number is: 241282276



I’m moving out of the area but would like to continue banking with Parish FCU. Where can I manage my account?
We are happy to offer our members access to over 30,000 fee-free ATMs and nearly 5,000 Shared Branching locations. Locate the Shared Branch or CO-OP ATM nearest you learn more about the Shared Branch program.

How do I become a member?
To view member eligibility requirements, please click here.

How do I make deposits?
Deposits can be made at any deposit taking ATM, Shared Branching location, by mail, or in our office. To locate the nearest ATM or Shared Branch, please click here.

How do I set up Direct Deposit?
To enroll in Direct Deposit, please contact your Human Resources department to file the paperwork necessary to enroll and make sure to use our routing number and your account number.

Online Banking/Bill Pay

What if I forget my Online Banking Password?
If you need assistance, please contact us and one of our member service representatives will be happy to help.

How do I sign up for Online Bill Pay?
When you log-in to Online Banking, click on the Bill Pay link and it will prompt you to sign up for Bill Pay. You must have a checking account with us to sign up for Bill Pay.

Why can’t I have Bill Pay through my Savings Account?
Under federal regulations, Savings accounts are classified as non-transactional accounts. This regulation does not apply to Checking accounts.

What Online Banking Services are available?
Our Online Banking site offers many services including access to account balances, funds transfers, e-statements, loan payments, bill pay, recurring transfers, text and email alerts, and more!

Is there a limit to the amount of transfers I can make each month from my savings account?
Yes. U.S. Government Regulation E limits you to six electronic or telephone transfers per share account per month.

Debit & Credit Cards

What do I do if my Debit card is lost or has been stolen?

To report a Lost or Stolen Debit Card, contact:

Weekdays 419-729-9650

After Hours 800-383-8000

What do I do if my Credit card is lost or has been stolen?

To report a Lost or Stolen Credit Card, contact:

Weekdays 419-729-9650

After Hours 800-808-7230 (VISA)

I am traveling soon, what do I need to do to ensure that my card works?
Please call our office at 419-729-9650 to let us know where and when you are traveling.

Lending FAQs

Can I pay an additional amount towards the principal balance of my loan?
Yes. Any accrued interest will first be credited to your loan from the additional payment. The remainder of the payment will be applied to your principal balance.

About Credit Unions

Is my money insured at Parish FCU?
Yes, a member’s funds are federally insured through the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration). The NCUA is very similar to the FDIC for banks. Depending on how an account is titled, the account can be eligible for more than $250,000 through the NCUA (up to $250,000 per depositor), with IRA coverage of up to $250,000.

What is a Credit Union?
A Credit Union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution organized to promote healthy financial practices amongst its members. It is member-owned and controlled through a board of directors elected by the membership. The board serves on a volunteer basis and may hire a management team to run the Credit Union. The board also establishes and revises policy, sets dividend and loan rates, and directs certain operations. The result: members are provided with a safe, convenient place to save and borrow at reasonable rates at an institution which exists to benefit them, not to make a profit.

Other Service FAQs

Does Parish FCU offer Notary Services?
We do! Please contact us to set up an appointment to meet with our Notary.


If someone is wiring me money, how long will it take to post to my account?
If the wire is coming from within the United States, it generally takes a few hours to post to your account.

How do I send a wire?
Outgoing wires require a live signature and must be completed at the branch. Requests received before 1pm will be wired same day.

Shared Branching

What is shared branching and which services can I access through it?
Shared branching is a National network of Credit Unions from all over the country that share facilities to give members thousands of convenient locations to perform transactions just as if they were at their home Credit Union. Services include, deposits, withdrawals, loan payments, statement printing, check cashing, funds transfers and much more. Most general Credit Union services are offered free of cost but some, such as check printing, are offered at a minimal fee.

Checks and Stop Payments

How do I order checks?
If ordering checks for the first time, contact the credit union for assistance.

How long are stop payments good for?
Stop payments are valid for 6 months and can be initiated online or by calling us.

Can I extend my stop payment past the expiration date?
Yes, give us a call to extend your stop payment expiration date.

What do I do if a check clears my account for the wrong amount?
Please contact our office at 419-729-9650 and we will verify the problem and adjust your account.